Highly Efficient Pulse Jet Bag Filter
- The pulse jet bag filter is used for collecting and removing solid particles from exhaust gas
- Its applications include: collecting dust from the high temperature gas exiting clinker cooler, preheater, raw mill and dryer; collecting dust as the finished product of grinding systems forcement, slag and coal; exhaust gas de-dusting in industries such as metallurgy, power generation, chemical processing, machine manufacturing or residential steam boilers
- Clean air dust content at the outlet can be reduced to as low as 2 mg/m3
Product Characteristics:-
- The specially-designed walk-in plenum structure facilitates the replacement of filter bags from inside the filter housing, thus ensuring air leakage to be under 3%, to prevent corrosion by rust and to lower energy consumption of the fans due to minimum of false air
- Optimum structure ensured by CFD-based air distribution, de-dusting simulation and the overall optimization of the equipment
- Key devices, the purge tube and the purge unit, are patented with several national invention and utility model patents. De-dusting efficiency and extended service life of the pulse valve and the filter bag can thus be guaranteed
- Modular design, easy for erection at site and for applying sealing welds
- The well-designed de-dusting control system is PLC-based, which allows to conveniently adjust the mode, interval and intensity of the de-dusting program and to display all relevant operational parameters
- A smart monitoring system is used, which ensures reliable operation of this important process equipment For different applications, the Sinoma highly efficient pulse jet bag filters can be divided into three series